Tuesday, October 23, 2012

cheap cookies and light bulbs @ target!

Hey there thought I'd do a quick post on two Target deals I found on www.totallytarget.com so you'd know! If you go to the coupons at Targets website there are 2 coupons to print and you can print 2 of each. First one is $1 off 2 Pillsbury baking items. Second is $2 off 1 GE lightbulb item. Now after you have those coupons printed off, go to coupons.com and print off 2 of there $1 off 2 Pillsbury cookie dough coupons. Also in Sept. we  got a $1 off GE Bulbs in one of our newspaper inserts. All of these will stack great at Target! Some of their cookie doughs are as low as $1.29. That means when you buy 2 and stack the 2  coupons (1 target and 1 manufacture) the price can be as low as $.29 each! They also have 4 packs of GE lightbulbs for as low as $3.89. Stack the $1 and $2 coupons on that price and you can get it for as low as $.89! Really thought these were some great prices to pass on.  If you're like me, I actually really need the lightbulbs, so was very happy to find this deal! Happy savings!


  1. Thanks! I needed some snacks for my upcoming Halloween party, and who doesn't love cookies?

  2. I know I love them when they are still warm and gooey!..... And now I have to make cookies.... Lol
